On a job search? Thinking about transitioning to a new occupation? Then here are a few really good sites to check out:

O*Net Online - Great site for looking up possible professions, finding detailed descriptions, skills require, salary estimates, and a good source for keywords to add to you linked-in profile or resume.

Career One Stop - Another site similar to O*Net but will give you salary data on a state and national basis.

Labor Market Info - Part of the California EDD website, this will let you find salary data on a county level. The data is based on quarterly information collected by the state from employers and is some of the most accurate salary information you can search. Begin your search by clicking on the "Occupation Profile" link.

Salary.com - This is a pay site, but does offer basic salary data for free. Most HR recruiters tend to reference this site. It presents the data as a graphical bell curve. Use the Salary wizard to search the job your interested in.

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